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Neem For Scabies

Neem effects the hormonal cycle of parasites, preventing their reproduction, rendering their eggs sterile, and effecting their ability to feed. Any Neem remedy for scabies needs to be applied daily. Not only will neem deal with the scabies mites, but it also soothes the itch and softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. Neem's antibacterial properties also kill the bacteria responsible for infection.

Scabies, also known as the seven-year itch, is an extremely irritating and contagious skin condition caused by a mite infestation. The parasitic scabies mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) tunnel underneath the hosts skin, the movement of mites within and on the skin produces a severe irritation and allergic skin reaction resulting in an intense itch. Scabies can be transmitted from objects or direct skin to skin contact, symptoms typically appear 2-6 to six weeks after infestation for initial infections, in cases of re-infestation symptoms can appear in as little as 24 hours.

In Indian Ayurvedic medicine the traditional natural treatment for scabies is a Neem paste with turmeric. Neem not only deals with the scabies mites naturally, it also soothes the skin, numbs the pain, relieves the itching, reduces the inflammation and redness, and heals any secondary infection that might have occurred because of scratching and open lesions. Relief from symptoms reported by Neem users is due to the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic action of neem.

 The Neem tree in India is variously known as "Divine Tree", "Heal All", "Nature's Drugstore", "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases".  In India Neem is often a part of daily life; neem leaves neem oil or neem extracts are used to treat mosquito bites and other skin wounds. Neem teas are used to treat fever, stomach or intestinal problems, viral infections and Malaria. Neem soaps, shampoos, lotions, creams, and oils are used to treat pests and parasites like scabies, lice, mites, fleas. Used as a pesticide Neem oil can protect plants and crops from over 200 different insects. Toothpaste, lotions, creams, and cleaners containing neem are used for daily personal care.  The health benefits of neem are numerous and varied. There are over 500 research reports from universities across the globe exploring the benefits of neem on a variety of disorders. The all-natural properties of neem make it especially attractive to those people who want to keep their bodies clean of insecticides, strong prescription medications, and other chemical products. (read more about the history and uses of Neem)

In addition to being costly, conventional prescription treatment for scabies are very harsh on your skin and body. The most common treatment is a cream containing 5% Permethrin, applied to the whole body for 8-14 hours.  Widely used as a pesticide, Permethrin, can cause skin irritation and burning.  A skin reaction to Permethrin is not uncommon among scabies sufferers because of the allergy to the scabies mite the skin is already oversensitive, the immune system is in overdrive, and an immune response like dermatitis is more likely. Scabies mites are already resistant to some conventional pesticides, and often enough the medications do not work. The natural treatment of scabies with neem is particularly useful for these persistent cases.  After thousands of years of traditional use, no insects or other pests have become resistant to neem, Neem treatments will continue to be effective, and neem is actually used as and recommended for skin care, especially for irritated and inflamed skin.

Neem does not kill the scabies mites directly, but rather it interferes with the mites breeding and reproduction, so it wipes out the population over time.  Any neem remedy for scabies needs to be applied daily.  Not only will neem deal with the scabies mites, but it also soothes the itch and softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. All forms of neem contain aspirin like substances that reduce redness, inflammation and pain associated with any secondary infections. Neem's antibacterial properties also kill the bacteria responsible for the infection.

For an emerging scabies infestation it may be sufficient to treat localized itching and lesions with a regular application of a neem lotion, the use of maximum strength neem oil soap, and a neem shampoo.  Liberally apply neem lotion after showering with max strength neem soap and neem shampoo, re-apply several times daily.  However,  it may take up to two months from infection before noticeable symptoms appear, there is a risk that other household members or items may have been exposed to the scabies mite.  Scabies mites can survive in clothes and in bedding, and can survive without a human host for 24 to 36 hours, only treating the skin can result in continued re-infection and infestation. To totally eradicate the scabies mite all clothing and bedding needs to be washed with neem liquid soap (and preferably dried at very high temperatures, washing alone may not kill the mites).  If possible, do not use any of that clothing or bedding for 10 days In case any mites survived. For a further precaution, seal all clothes in a plastic bag for ten days to make sure all mites are dead. Vacuum around the bed, clean all furniture with liquid neem soap, and continue using neem soap and lotion for at least two more weeks after symptoms disappear. 

For scabies relief, add several tablespoons of Neem leaf powder to a warm bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. Shower with TheraNeem Maximum Strength Neem Oil Cleansing Bar and TheraNeem Gentle Therape Shampoo, Lather liberally over the entire body let stand 3-5 minutes before rinsing.  Post-Shower, Liberally apply TheraNeem Neem Therape Skin Lotion,  Neemaura Naturals Skin Conditioning Spray, or Neem Tree Farms Anti-itch formula. Re-apply several times daily as needed. To totally eradicate the scabies mite all clothing and bedding needs to be washed with Theraneem Gentle Liquid Soap (and preferably dried at very high temperatures, washing alone may not kill the mites). Clean all furniture with liquid neem soap.  Neem liquid soap can also be used as a body wash in the shower.

 These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.